"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The fire.

I have so many wonderful things to sing praises about from this past week. Between job interviews, and being in the right place at the right time sort of things. Instead of talking in specifics though I am just going to throw a few random things out at you.

This week has been FILLED with twists and turns, but one thing is for certain. When you are doing what God wants you to be doing, there are going to be many attacks along the way. I know I am taking steps in the right direction, as is my Bryan. The Devil has no reason to thrown wrenches in your "motor's," if your not making waves.

I have been coming to certain realization's about some adopted family members in this past week. Those realization's have been playing out even more true as the day's pass. I have gone through a cycle of emotion's over these endeavor's, and through many conversations with my best friend, and boyfriend and of course the father another realization has come to heart.

Daniel 3:17- "if we are thrown into the fiery furnace, the God we serve is able to save us."

Isn't that beautiful? Now put the first two paragraphs together and everything makes sense. Of course I am going to be attacked where it hurts, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and not only should I count all of this as joy, but God promises my rescue.

Another aspect to that verse is this. Yes, God promises that he is able to rescue us, but sometimes we need to sit through the fire past the point of comfort for a while. To be in that place where we truly can only cry out for his help, and his peace. We need to acknowledge that not only do we need him, but that we cannot do it on our own. He's fashioning his "diamonds in the rough." But PRAISE HIM, he promises our rescue.

If storms in life reveal our faith, than is it the times we walk through fire that increase it?

If he calls us to the fire, he will not withdraw his hand. We will gaze into the flames and look for you.

Now I have no idea who the people are in this video, but I wanted to play this song strictly for the verse I posted above. This video is clearly geared toward missionaries and such, but it was the best one I could find, so bear with me. :)

If you are missing Rita springer in your worship time, you should probably fix that. ;)

To conclude this oh so serious blog [ ;) ]

I am willing to walk through this fire if it is going to mold me into the person that I need to be. And I am SO VERY GRATEFUL for the genuine people that God has placed in my life to walk with me, and to remind me of the blessings he has promised.

I hope your weeks have been filled with promise.

Love you all-

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