"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hey yall!

Here I am one year later. I am so excited to blog about BABY DETTLOFF!! yes that's right, we are having a baby. To describe this time in our lives as crazy is an understatement. I am beyond excited about the little one, I however will be the first to stand up and say I absolutely HATE being pregnant. This pregnancy has not been the rainbows and butterflies that women talk about. I won't go into the details because that would be a blog post all in itself. Aint no body got time for that. We found out 5 weeks early what our babies gender is, you all still have to wait until 20 weeks. ;) I must say though, I cannot even contain myself I love this little person so much already- I can't wait to be "it's" mom. SERIOUSLY.  I have always been one to appreciate my family and my friends but I truly truly cherish them all the more going through this time. I can barily leave my apartment except to go to work. As lonely as this gets, my family and friends have been AMAZING in loving on me. My two best friends at work keep me sane all day long and for all the moments in between its my mom, my best friend, my sister in laws, and my hubby blowing up my phone or showing up at my apartment.
Not only do I feel so grateful, but I know that besides mommy and daddy, this baby is going to be one loved little kid.
Bryan and I have so many cool things going on in our lives right now! Another understatment would be to simply say that God has been SO good to us. We live completely day by day by faith alone. there are so many things that have popped up in the past few months and through lots of prayers God has fought on our behalf and brought us right up to where we stand today. I have to say with all this Chaos, I am VERY ready for this next chapter. I don't know what this spring is going to look like (let alone the season we are currently in) but I am preparing my heart for anything.
I am so proud of my husband for being so determined in his goals and the way he simply lets God do what he wants to do. A lot of us dig our heals in the ground instead of just excepting what needs to be changed and working towards it. He is such a wonderful man!
All this to say life is so very good, even through all this sickness! I will do my best to post more than once a year buuuuuut if you know me at all, we will just see how that goes! ;)
