"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

See ya never...or in 5 days

Last night I deleted my facebook and instagram off of my phone, which I do about once every two months. We will see how long I can hold out this time before quickly re downloading.I just get so sick of being consumed with wasteful knowledge of other people's fake lives. I loath the posts that constantly complain, and I loath the posts that are clearly way to consistently perfect to be real. Kind of whiney, I know. I toy with the idea of deleting my facebook like every other day. It would be easier just to delete all the people that drive me bonkers but half of them are people that would actually get offended and are much to close in life to not cause discomfort. I would be semi sad to lose all my photos from the last billion years but seriously what would life be like if I didn't care about anything that anyone posted anywhere! :) I WANT TO BE FREEEEEE! For right now I am just doing what I always do and I'll just keep deleting and re downloading my dumb phone apps seeking freedom and connection all at the same time. Can we say conflicted?? HA! :)

anyway good luck to me, if I can convince myself and my hubby to take the plunge than perhaps 2013 could be facebook free.

Instagram on the other hand I more than likely will re download tomorrow! ;)



  1. Good luck on ditching the time waster. Personally I like to write so blogging once a week works for me...:)
