"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

back to the basics

My brother got out of rehab FOUR DAY'S EARLY. Such a wonderful surprise, only thing is, ive been sleeping in his bed for the past 60 day's. My boyfriend and I started cleaning and re-arranging my room this past Monday, and it was NOT in sleeping condition. I thought I had, well, FOUR DAY'S left to clean it. WHOOOOA. So I scrambled not only to get my room in decent sleeping condition this afternoon, but also to put my broskis room back together so that he might never know I had moved in. ;) YIKES!
I was an instant sob machine the second I wrapped my arms around him. MAN I didn't see that one coming at all. I am feeling so blessed to have him home right now. I just keep praying that even though it will be hard for him, that the worst is behind us. I love him so much, and I want more than anything to watch him succeed in life. Or more importantly, to be alive for it.
I ended up going to my parents church this evening so that I could hang out with him afterwards. Church was interesting. I never fully enjoy myself there, I just don't feel like it's my home. However, God can speak to me anytime, any place, no matter where I feel at "home." - and speak he did. If nothing else I did get little things here and there out of the sermon, and I genuinely am excited to sit down and do my devotions tomorrow.

After church I went out with Ange (brother) and one of his friends to watch fireworks. I must say they were the COOLEST and BEST fire works I have ever seen. We were sooooo close that I literally felt like they were falling on me. A-mazing.

Well- I suppose that will be all for tonight, tomorrow bright and early I'm taking my pup in to get fixed. :( Than it's off to wax the boyfriends neck. ha ha. =]


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