"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Thursday, July 22, 2010

oh hair-

I have been busier now since school got out than I was when school was in. It is insane, I thought all of my free time was going to be spent recuperating, NOT. I am more run down and sick feeling, and I just can't seem to get on top of things! Although, it is only one day's worth of bunny hills feeling more like mountains.

Were ganna go with bullet points tonight-

*On a glass half full note- I passed my gen cosmetology test today, that is a HUGE praise the Lord. Now I just have to take the next week or so to study for the second one, pass it, and than I'll be legit. =]

*I ruined my hair this evening. I alway's take my hair into my own hands because I like to do things whenever I want them done, I'm much to spur of the moment to work around other people's life schedules. I used a 9N on my scalp/new growth, just like I did before, only I used the "ION" brand instead of Aveda. First off, it burned the heck out of my scalp, second, it turned my new growth an UGLY strawberry blonde. I than used Blue malva to try and even it out a bit and instead of toning that down, it just turned my lightest blonde pieces a very ashy blonde which makes the whole thing look kind of sick. And last but not least, somehow (I believe because my blonde was so much lighter than the 9) I ended up getting it on bits and pieces that weren't my new growth, and it turned those almost a dark brown. I just look so ridiculous in my mind. Definitely NOT how I pictured it turning out lol.

*I am now going to the F. Market solo, my Mr's sister backed out on me and I will now experience my first one on my own.

*The right side of my throat is still soooo swollen and painful, and I'm sick mr. bear (boyfriend) still not being able to drive. I think that is all the complaining I am going to allow for tonight.

Hopefully tomorrow is a bit cheerier-


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