"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Monday, October 11, 2010

online merch and other brainwashing issues

I am having a problem. Literally, I am, an online shopping problem. I can't seem to get away from it, ALL OF A SUDDEN. It's like, I discovered "Ru La La," and everything took its down hill course from there. Why is it that every night, right before I go to sleep I allow myself to just "browse" the daily boutiques going on. I also tell myself I can't buy anything and that I'm just window shopping. Well of course one thing leads to another and here I am waiting for 3 different packages to come in the mail. I AM SAVING TO BUY A HOUSE, not a new wardrobe. What the heck is wrong with me. I am soooo easily brain washed. I am truly the perfect market for online advertisements, or any advertisements for that matter. If I see someone walking down the street with a snickers bar, I think to myself I NEED to have a snickers, and I won't stop until I am at the checkout purchasing that stupid candy bar.
Last night, I was reading through the Ru La La blog, and it mentioned that everyone needed to have a chunky grey ring for this coming season. So I of course went onto etsy in search of a chunky grey ring (because I clearly don't have enough chunky rings as is.) Does anyone thing I purchased a chunky grey ring? NO...I walked away purchasing a chunky WEIRD looking green ring. WHY???? I didn't need this ring, don't even know that it will be cute when I get it, I just did it because, well, the opportunity was sitting in front of me and the "purchase" button just looked so inviting.
I also have a purple zebra face phone case on its way, and a LARGE package (hopefully arriving tomorrow) from forever 21 en route.
And to really place that cherry right smack on top- I have been out sick from work for an entire week...HOW THE HECK DO I THINK I CAN JUST SPEND SPEND SPEND??? Insert online shopping addict "defeated" face. I need some serious reinforcement here. ANY SUGGESTIONS???

On a much lighter note, I FINALLY signed up @ mint.com and started the whole budget attempt, which see above rant, it isn't going the greatest. But truly, it is one of the coolest tools I think I have ever seen on the internet. I really think that once I get the hang of things it is going to ROYALLY help me. And now if I can just get Mr. crazy pants (Bryan) into his bank to set up his online banking, our lives in general could be a LOT easier to work with. PHEW that felt intense to me.

Speaking of intense, this week has been that times 10 (at the least.) Did I mention how sick I have been...SICK SICK SICK, and Ive been seeing through the bars on my quarantined house that it has been GORGEOUS outside. :( "YO Tif's immune system, WAY TO BLOW IT!!!!"

Also Great Grandma Mae past away yesterday morning at the beautiful age of 91. It is a bitter sweet time as I rejoice that she is with Jesus now, and no longer suffering down here. However, I am so very sad for the family that is left feeling empty. Death truly causes you to reflect on life. On the things that matter most, and the things that really don't matter at all. She was such an amazing women, I have heard many stories from her own mouth, and from others about the things that she had overcome. She grew up during the great depression, lived through WWI and WWII. Lived through the death of a first husband, and a second. She was such a brave, determined, amazing, kind hearted lady. The lord sure was gracious to bring her as far as he did. I will never forget her beautiful face. Thursday will be the funeral. I think I might come undone at some point, but it truly is a part of living. We all are given but one chance to live, to breath, to make the most of every minuet. To bless, to touch, to pray, to encourage, to be encouraged. So here's to living life to the fullest, and taking every moment as it comes. God will never give us more than we can handle- he promises.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL week.


a broke (but highly fashioned) little girl.


  1. Tiffany...if i must...i WILL step in and confiscate your cards and your memory of the numbers!! seriously!!

  2. We should have an intervention!! I am willing to step in. I am good at not buying stuff. Since I am not allowed to... husband says no to shopping... I love you!! But seriously stop shopping!

  3. ahahaha WEEELLL... at least if we are looking for a positive in this I only used my check card so no credit was involved... ;)

    and guy's guy's guy's, comon, give a girl a break. I need no intervention, I just need some adjusting time in this new job of mine. I'm finally allowed to wear REAL clothes again, and since I lost all that weight, I haven't really had anything but black to wear. However I just feel like ive gone overboard because I haven't shopped like this in over a year! HA! :) I'm being good now though, I won't let myself buy another item until NOV.....hopefully...;) Love you both!
