"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The "done" list

Tonight as I'm allowing myself to sit here (instead of sleeping in preparation for my test tomorrow,) I am going to write out a "whats been done list." You know, in stead of a "to do" list.

Sometimes (on nights like tonight) I sit in bed at night and feel completely unaccomplished. This however is NOT true. So to make myself feel slightly better I'm going to list it out, than go ahead and snuggle up for bed.

1. Today I started the job of my dreams (this far anyway.) ;)

5 Hours of Color theory crammed in my brain

I feel like I am starting into an internship though that is going to be a CRAZY life altering, adventure stricken, stress and giggle filled TRIP. I truly have no words for how blessed I feel to be where I am. Every time I step foot in the salon I truly think to myself, I can't believe they picked me. So honored, and I can't wait to start doing and learning.

2. Got gas. That's kind of a big deal for me. HA

3. Got some motherly advice. There has been SO much going on in my life as of lately, and if I know one thing for sure I can alway's count on my mom to bring it back to the basics for me. She's one of my foundational rocks, well, more like a foundational boulder. :) I feel so much better after listening to her words of wisdom- hopefully this feeling lasts me through the rest of the week. LOL

4. Got excited with my boyfriend. Things are really starting to come together for him. I truly could not be more proud of him in pretty much all areas in life. He truly has made me smile at least 20 times today, and every time I think about him I just get this overwhelming sense of Joy. He's wonderful. He has helped me study for my big test all weekend long, and it was a LONG weekend. I am nervous to take it tomorrow, but I'm excited to see if all of the hard work will truly pay off!!! :)

5. Did some laundry halfway. Lol there is a load still in the wash that needs to be switched, but whatever.

6. Took my beautiful baby girl for a walk, we even went an extra 10 minuets tonight. She's been nuts ever since my family had guests Sunday night. I swear she looses her mind when new people come over.

6.5- listened to an eaglebrook podcast. LOVED.

7. Studied a LITTLE bit ;)

8. Ate a healthy serving of homemade cheesy potatoes (you can't tell me that's not an accomplishment. )

9. Made 2 new flower clips- pictures will come tomorrow I'm sure.

10. Watched the latest episode of "parenthood."

11. Watched about 11 different youtube video's ;)

annnndd that's pretty much all I can think of at the moment. So that concludes my day's accomplishments...

Stay tuned for the outcome of tomorrows exam. WAAAHHH

pray for meeeeeee

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