"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A tribute to my brother.

I just want to take a couple moments to post about my youngest brother, A.J.

He graduated from teen challenge a month or so ago (as many of you might remember from my earlier posts.) Life has not been chocolate cake for him the past few years. He gave up his summer break to check himself into alcohol and drug rehab. It was truly one of the hardest summers on everyone involved, clearly him especially.

I Am just so very proud of him for everything that he has come through (as he is an overcomer,) and everything that he is still pushing through for. He is such a driven person and know's what he "thinks" he wants, its just finding a means to get himself there that is a bit bumpy every once in a while. My family is such a supportive family, and my parents are the most supportive of all. I don't think anyone of us 3 children would be heading where we're heading if mom and dad hadn't stepped in a time or two and swooped us once again back under their wings.

Andrew (my youngest brother) is one of the most talented person's that I know. He has SO much going for him, and has been given such an awesome new start and clean slate. I am so proud of him. I know that this year means a lot to him, it being his senior year and all. I also know that it is one of the HARDEST environments to be in, especially given his circumstances. Everyone is trying to find themselves, and I am sad for some of the people in his life that are one day truly going to regret this year and the choices that they made. I pray for strength for him every single day, to do what is right to do, and to keep pressing on, and to keep saying NO to the things he should say "no" to and YES to the things he should say "yes" to. He truly is so precious to me, he doesn't realize how much I am connected to him. I am 6 years older than him, and when he was born, my whole out look on life changed. He was my baby. Yes over the years, we haven't alway's been the closest, were so alike that sometimes it's hard to get along with each other lol. But the fact of the matter is I adore him with my whole heart. I again will say that I am SO proud of the character he is becoming, and the choices that he is making. I can't wait to watch him follow his heart and passion's in life. As long as he is serving Jesus, he is sure to soar.

Here's to a great senior for him, and to as many memories as possible to follow.


1 comment:

  1. Proud of him also! Hes lucky to have such a great big sister like you missy!!
