"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Saturday, September 11, 2010

This feeling

How do I put into words everything I think and feel?? I DON'T!!! And it's probably for the best, I in fact think and feel WAAAAYYY to much in my opinion, well maybe not so much the think part as much as the feel part.

Until my boyfriend came a long (and broke me) I never really cared or let myself feel deeply about much that could potentially hurt me. I mean I cared and felt about friends, family and like God and stuff lol, but nothing more than that really.  Than Bryan and I entered into a "relationship," and everything changed. Suddenly I was not only whipped, but I CARED about every little detail that happened between us. Everything seemed to matter, or make a difference one way or another. Now here I sit on a whole new playing field with him. Looking at rings, doing more than just "talking" about marriage and now all of a sudden, my future is no longer just my future, it's become an "OUR." Kind of scary HA??? YEEAAAHH I know, ME TOOOO!!!! But truly amidst all of the "what if's," and the butterflies, I am really really excited. Sometimes the what if's and the butterflies over take me, but to hear him calm my nerves and explain to me over and over how it's us against the world, I find myself overpowered with the feeling of YES, WE CAN DO THIS! I mean, I don't know how all of the little kinks are going to work out, but I do know that they will. I truly do hope and pray for the best, there are a lot of little things unfolding that I never would have been able to call in a million years, but were rolling with the punches (and I do mean punches lol) and I guess the upside to everything is that it's caused us to grow closer instead of further apart.

So how than am I feeling?

I am feeling excited, nervous, overwhelmed, sad (in some aspects in life,) HAPPY, creative, expectant, fulfilled, purpose-full. I am feeling fall outrageous ie pumpkin spice latte's, skarfs, skinny's, boots, chilly park benches, big bags, over night get away's mixed with new and old music. I am constantly feeling inspired as of lately- so much so that I truly do not have enough time or space on my to do list. HMMMM.
I am SO excited for my new job (and currently the nanny jobs I still possess, as we all know, they make my world go round,) I truly feel so blessed every time I step foot into that Salon. I just keep thinking, now how the HECK did I get this?? The opportunities that this season holds seems endless. I just can't wait. I know that with everything in life, comes a rocky road at times, I am preparing myself for that as well, but seriously, I feel like I'm living in a dream! Hope THAT feeling never goes away. :)

I could continue on in the list but lets just say, for the record, that I Tiffany Nicole am FEELING!

There are certain things in life that I refuse to share in a blog, or online in general. I never want to mention names unless they are in an uplifting manor, or if they clearly are from Hollywood and it makes no difference WHAT i say. So everything in my life will never be disclosed for the cyber-world. We save those chats for mom's, and best friends and boy friend's ONLY. You guy's get the good stuff (for the most part.)

and just because I can, I feel the need to let you all hold me accountable. I am making a hopeful statement that I will not cut my bangs or color my hair dark brown for at least another 4 months. Each piece of that statement is a bit iffy because, although I have been making it a goal to grow my bangs out (they used to be like 2 inches long,) they are the first things to go when I need an instant change. ANNNDDD for those of you who know me, I usually only make it through mid october before my hair is dark brown. My goal is to keep it blonde for just a few more months, and than DA DA DAAAAA- to color it my natural color......EEEEEEE haven't seen that in YEARS!

I hope this autumn air is as refreshing to all of you, as it is to me (minus the allergies.) ;)

Thanks for the ears (or eye's,) and until tomorrow (or whenever) CIAO~

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