Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Saturday, December 18, 2010
ho Ho ho
Life has been nuts as always what would I be if it weren't? :) My little brother has mono and is sick as a dog, yet continues to go out and play with friends on wild crazy weekend get a way's causing me to think about him and pray for him all day. I hope he graduates from highschool at the rate he's going... lol YIKES
I'm working reeeaallllyy late tonight- yep, another emotional Sat/Sun- I love when I wake up at 5:30 and don't get to go to bed until 4 am the next day. But this is the time in life to work these crazy long day's and nights. It will all be groovy once I'm living in my very own house.
I'm going Christmas shopping with m-bear tomorrow after church. I have already informed her that I might be a crabby patty due to lack of sleep. But at least I will get all my shopping taken care of. :) I pray for blessings blessings blessings.
I got to see bry tonight for a very brief half an hour. I sure do cherish the small amounts of time that we get together. Seriously sometimes it's hard to get through the week knowing that Sunday's are my only time with him. That is why I usually opt to do NOTHING on Sunday's, I hate giving up my time with him. However tomorrow M needs me. :)
I am going to go ahead and give a shout out to Taylor the great over at:
She went ahead and mentioned some pretty wonderful things in her blog that I consider worth reading about... :)))
Love you all, and happy shopping to all in my very same position-
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Follow up, as promised.
Ok, New topic. SOOO Bryan and I are most likely going to be getting engaged pretty soon and up until last week I had decided that I wasn't going to plan ANYTHING until it was official, as in RING ON FINGER. However we have already decided the month of next year that we want to get married in and it has been stressing me out sticking to my plan. I feel like there is SOOOO much to do and I have less than a year to do it all in. I don't know up from down when it comes to planning all of this stuff. We don't even know who we want to be in our wedding, or who we want to attend it, let alone where it's going to be or what stupid colors to require. AH. Truly, deep down I do semi care about the little things, I just know that they are going to stress me out more than ANYTHING (they already are) so I like to pretend that I don't care so that I won't feel the need to FREAK. I need to find a cheap wedding planner, heck, I need to find a cheap everything. The two big things I care about are my ring and my dress, and I'm hoping the dress won't cost me my first born child, the ring I don't have much control over (I do have a "little" control though lol.) I need lists of people to contact, sites to visit and shops to tour. Any planning idea's would be LOVELY. I am excited to get past all of this stuff so that I can finally just start my life with him. No more once a week face to face dates. I can't wait. :)
Ok- off to bed I go I need all the rest I can get and not a whole lot of time to get it!
Thee art of being sick.
I am home sick from work today on one of the most excited over days this company seems to have. THE CHRISTMAS PARTY. Don't worry, I have already purchased my AMAZING $20.00 gift, wrapped it in pretty lime green wrapping paper (I HATE wrapping presents,) and stuck a big pink bow on top. Looks as though I might be keeping my very own wonderful secret Christmas present. I tried for over and hour to make an app with the doc today and every time I called the phone system just kicked me right off and said they were having difficulty and to try back later. well my consistency has paid off because I have landed myself a 2:45 with a random doctor. At least i'm not driving to still-water's Min clinic which was my back up plan. My ears are throbbing and it sounds like I have huge jets flying over my head constantly. When that happened in October I ended up having a double ear infection. Cool ha? I REAAAALLLY wanted to hold off going to the doc over this one because I have an app with the ENT next Wednesday. I feel that there has to be SOMETHING they can do to fix me, it genuinely is NOT normal for someone to have either a sinus or and ear infection every single month in the winter. The only genuine concern I have is that (and I don't even know if this is a possibility,) it might be my teeth causing a lot of these problems. I know I have a cracked tooth and a couple cavities, but I won't have dental for another 3 months. I am just crossing my fingers and praying that A, it's not the integrity of my teeth, and B, that the specialist can EASILY fix me! Yesterday's events royally stressed me out and this morning I couldn't even lift my silly little head off the pillow, and can anyone tell me how I mysteriously cut the inside of my lower lip and gum????
Jen Jen is home for the weekend and I am pretty excited to see her in only for an hour or so on Sunday. I also have Luie and Sarah to look forward to on Sat, after and before work, as well as knowing that my comforting bear will be there to throw his arms around me. I am SO ready for these next few day's to be over.
On that note I will wrap this puppy up, and because I know you guy's care SOOOOOO much about my well being, I will let you know what Mr. Docky bear say's.
peace oooouuuuuutttt!!!!!
oh and CONGRATULATION'S MATT ZIOLKOWSKI, YOU DID IT!!!!! One of Winona's finest right there! :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Second of all I would like everyone reading this to acknowledge the fact that I am typing this on my I touch and will most likely have many sp errors. HA.
I'm sorry I haven't written anything much in quite a while. I've been busy this Is true, but the real reason is that whenever I sit down to write I get overwhelmed with how much I could write about that I just decide not to write anything af all. This blog will most likely be short and sweet, because let's face it, who wants to blog from their I touch?
Life has been good, rocky, but epiphany filled and really good none the less.
I am most excited for tomorrow. It will be the first day off that I have that is not devoted to my lovers, but strictly to me and my sanity. I will finally clean my room, get my laundry done, get my hair trimmed, perhaps try out a tanning bed. Pretty much I will indulge in all the things the past few months have not allowed me to do. Lino lakes I am happy to spend the day with you old friend.
On that note I will leave you, I know it's not much, but I forewarned you in the beginning.
Love you.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
long time no talk.
Yeah sooo that whole week of being sick has of course trickled its course and dragged itself on. My fun sinus infection has turned itself into a fun double ear infection. As my "sister" Jen has commented, "when it rains it pours."
So that being said, I missed out on a fun night out with my best friend and her husband. lol we had a little din din at their house, but had to cancel our fun plans in DT still for the night. My night in shining armor took me to rent red box movies and we spent the rest of the night snuggled up. HUMPH.
Honestly, aside from me not feeling the greatest, today was absolutely beautiful. Truly how did we get a Halloween with no snow and 50 degrees? Sunshine sunshine sunshine.
I would like to give Taylor swifts new album a shout out. I LOOOOOVE IT. While we are on the subject of T, I accidentally spent $10 on a stupid US magazine all about her today. I needed something to read at the gym and I saw her face on US (anytime I see a mag with T-swift or L- conrad, well, I just can't resist) so I grabbed it and had bry use my card to purchase it while i ran a quick last minuet errand. WELL WELL WELL, little did I know it wasn't the typical $2 mag. Got me good T-SWIFT, got me REEAALLL good. Needless to say, this magazine will go on my book shelf as if it were an actual book...I spend less on my books via amazon. WHAT A JOKE.
I would next like to give my old friend @ http://jmerry2010.blogspot.com/ a quick shout out. HURRAY FOR YOUR NEW ADVENTURE IN LIFE. Good luck in all that you do, couldn't be more excited for your new start. I hope it turns into everything you had ever dreamed it to be. ADVENTURE!!!
Oh and as a quick insert that should have gone with the paragraph before the last one, I went to the gym today for the first time in a looong long time! I only worked off 400 calories in 40 min..you do the math as to how hard I actually worked out... ;)
Alright, that's all I've got for you. I must get home so I can hand out candy to all the little trick or treaters.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Time management
Time Management Strategies
Examine your routine and determine where you can make changes. Include all of your daily tasks, scheduling them at their usual times and allowing ample time to complete them. If you’re normally five minutes late, schedule your time so that you are able to leave ten minutes earlier. At first, this may mean starting your day 15 minutes earlier, but effective time management strategies soon put you back in control of time that used to fall through the cracks.
Frequently time management brings a picture to mind of a daily planner with every minute plotted from the time your alarm clock sounds until the time you crawl into bed. However, time management experts suggest that you planning only 50% of your time leaves you time to relax as well as time to cope with the unexpected.
Create a To Do List
After you’ve analyzed your time, begin planning by creating a To Do List for tomorrow. Divide the list into classes.
- Today’s schedule or high priority activities that you must complete today. Be sure to include personal appointments and social obligations like doctor’s appointments. Just as important are activities like promised family outings or playtimes with children.
- Projects with a deadline beyond today (tomorrow, this week, this month, etc.)
- When I get around to it. (i.e. clean out the garage, the closets)
Start planning your day using your routine as a guide. Pencil in times for Class 1 projects, making sure you give each one a generous block of time. If you estimate a job will take 15 minutes, give yourself half an hour to complete it. If you estimate it will take an hour, give yourself an hour and a half. If “today’s projects” are few, fill in the rest of your day with Class 2 projects. Be flexible. As you work through your daily plan, if you finish a task ahead of schedule, either move on to your next scheduled task or work on part of an unscheduled Class 2 project. If a routine break is the next thing on your schedule, reward yourself with an early break, still allowing only the normal amount of time to give yourself an early start on your next task. Also, take advantage of multi-task opportunities. Work on a page of Friday’s report while today’s report is printing. Refill your coffee cup when you pick up the fax from the office fax machine. Fold a load of laundry while the potatoes are boiling. When new things “crop up”, either put them in a free block of time or add them to part two or part three of your list. Also, remember to leave 10 or 15 minutes at the end of your schedule to make your To Do List for tomorrow.
Class 2: Projects With a Deadline
Whenever possible, split up projects with a deadline. For instance, laundry needs to be done this week, but you can divide it into loads and finish it over several days. At work, long reports can be broken into pages. If you finish a task from today’s schedule with time to spare, use the “extra time” to complete part of a Class 2 project. Throw tonight’s load of laundry into the washer or work on a page of the report that’s due on Friday. Cross off any parts of finished projects to avoid repetition and to help you see what you have accomplished as well as to stay focused on what you have left to do.
Class 3: When I Get A Round To-It
As you did with Projects With a Deadline, divide larger projects into smaller tasks whenever you can. For instance, you might want to detail the inside of your vehicle. Washing windows, cleaning the steering wheel, console, dash, upholstery and carpets can all be done separately. At first you may find “round to-its” are a rare breed. In that case, you may want to schedule a Class 3 project or part of one into your day. However, as you become more organized, you’ll be hanging “round to-its” on the wall like trophies, especially if you take advantage or our Time Management Tips.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
New slate
I did a HUGE camera clean out this evening at Walmart, and let me tell you..."I HATE THEIR NEW SET UP." yes, I quoted myself, that is how passionately I HATE it. I LOVE the kodak kiosk deals where you put your little chip in and go to town with editing and all that jazz. Walmart updated their little picture kiosk's, and they all look super cool, new and fancy, however, THEY SUCK. You have to press SOOOO hard on the screens to get them to work, your editing options are VERY limited, and it takes FOREVER to do anything. :( What was supposed to be a 20 minuet trip (as I was emotionally and physically exhausted from today) turned into over an hour and a half. :( BOOO Next time I do my clean out i'll be heading strait to Target. My bad.
I got both my phone case and my ring in the mail today.
1- LOVE my phone case. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
2- HATE the ring. HATE HATE HATE IT! there were 4 beads that were broken off of it when I received it, and honestly, it is sooooo UGLY, I would NEVER wear it anyway. lol maybe I shouldn't be soooo harsh towards it, I could just simply say it's not my taste. Or I could give the stupid ring the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe if those 4 beads had not been broken, it would have been cute. Doubtful, however, I am going to keep it because I can take it apart and make something I think brilliant out of it. :)
Any-whoo, I get to go back to work tomorrow (YAAAAAAY) and I so desperately need to get some sleep, so I will leave you with this...
It is Mr. Bry Fred's BIRTHDAY TODAY...the big 22, YAHOOOO!!! So in love with him.
nighty night friends, adore you.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
getting better?
This whole "being sick" thing has REALLY started to irk me. Every day I wake up and I think "today's ganna be the day that everything starts to click back into place." HA. Still waiting. My poor head/face is in SO much pain. YUCK! I just want to be myself again!!! :( Why do sicknesses feel the need to stick around for half a month? Truly RIDICULOUS.
Lol...and that's all i'm going to rant about today. I'm spending some time with my pup, than i'm off to work for the evening!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
New necklace.
Monday, October 11, 2010
online merch and other brainwashing issues
Last night, I was reading through the Ru La La blog, and it mentioned that everyone needed to have a chunky grey ring for this coming season. So I of course went onto etsy in search of a chunky grey ring (because I clearly don't have enough chunky rings as is.) Does anyone thing I purchased a chunky grey ring? NO...I walked away purchasing a chunky WEIRD looking green ring. WHY???? I didn't need this ring, don't even know that it will be cute when I get it, I just did it because, well, the opportunity was sitting in front of me and the "purchase" button just looked so inviting.
I also have a purple zebra face phone case on its way, and a LARGE package (hopefully arriving tomorrow) from forever 21 en route.
And to really place that cherry right smack on top- I have been out sick from work for an entire week...HOW THE HECK DO I THINK I CAN JUST SPEND SPEND SPEND??? Insert online shopping addict "defeated" face. I need some serious reinforcement here. ANY SUGGESTIONS???
On a much lighter note, I FINALLY signed up @ mint.com and started the whole budget attempt, which see above rant, it isn't going the greatest. But truly, it is one of the coolest tools I think I have ever seen on the internet. I really think that once I get the hang of things it is going to ROYALLY help me. And now if I can just get Mr. crazy pants (Bryan) into his bank to set up his online banking, our lives in general could be a LOT easier to work with. PHEW that felt intense to me.
Speaking of intense, this week has been that times 10 (at the least.) Did I mention how sick I have been...SICK SICK SICK, and Ive been seeing through the bars on my quarantined house that it has been GORGEOUS outside. :( "YO Tif's immune system, WAY TO BLOW IT!!!!"
Also Great Grandma Mae past away yesterday morning at the beautiful age of 91. It is a bitter sweet time as I rejoice that she is with Jesus now, and no longer suffering down here. However, I am so very sad for the family that is left feeling empty. Death truly causes you to reflect on life. On the things that matter most, and the things that really don't matter at all. She was such an amazing women, I have heard many stories from her own mouth, and from others about the things that she had overcome. She grew up during the great depression, lived through WWI and WWII. Lived through the death of a first husband, and a second. She was such a brave, determined, amazing, kind hearted lady. The lord sure was gracious to bring her as far as he did. I will never forget her beautiful face. Thursday will be the funeral. I think I might come undone at some point, but it truly is a part of living. We all are given but one chance to live, to breath, to make the most of every minuet. To bless, to touch, to pray, to encourage, to be encouraged. So here's to living life to the fullest, and taking every moment as it comes. God will never give us more than we can handle- he promises.
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL week.
a broke (but highly fashioned) little girl.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
My favorite products right now. :)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
"Friendship Divorce"
The site is: www.goop.com - again, not sure exactly what it is, but it looks worth checking out.
My favorite quote from this article: "In essence, our friends are the life-affirming fountain from which we drink. Good friends fill us up with warmth, honesty and a sense of well-being. If you feel drained, empty, belittled and insulted by a friend you should acknowledge that this is diminishing your life experience and not enhancing it. In this case, I would move away from this person, honor whatever good you did get from them in the past, and move toward those friends in life that only want to help light your way!"
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Promise revoked.
I truly don't even feel like saying much right now, but I thought it was long over due for something, ANYTHING. I think I am just going to list my words tonight. They will NOT make any sense to anyone else under the sun I am sure, but I just have so much going on up in my head that to not write them down would be a crime of sorts I am sure...
Please excuse the mess I'm spilling,
often I bump things over with these gangly limbs.
It's not very rare of me to take minuscule to heart,
I work my feet off and expect loyalty in return.
I think I'll take your pictures down,
tomorrow perhaps,
it's true they make me sad.
Who wants to remember times before they went bad.
Ive got a verse as my background, I could have used that the night "the duck flew at dawn."
Oh wait, I did, and yet here I am waiting for the right to your wrong.
or is it my wrong? I think what matters most is the white noise coming from mutual corners.
Are we still wearing boxing gloves if we cover them in pink and glue feathers to the tops?
They are still going to break through the other side, not matter how they are disguised.
Let me sleep oh sweet stress, please press pause for the night, mutes even better, could we turn out the lights?
Ive become a random dreamer with meanings unknown and yet all things mean something, could your leave me alone? To many questions, I understand now, answers are rarely in the form of a cloud.
So get back dusty water and remain where you stood, I have no use for you here lingering in my blood.
I don't do vindictive, and gossip is wack, there is a line between need to know and a not so subtle "slap."
I am as loyal as they come, you do unto others as you would want "done." Tell the truth. Apologize, it sometimes hurts to look people in the eyes. Put your big girl pants on, admit when your wrong. well meet in the middle and rebuild what was strong. Or, we can not. I'll go on as need be, taking old pictures down replacing them with the new me.
It is what it is, the grandfather sings, and so on with a smile she hides in her wings.
Goodnight friends, It is well past my bedtime and I have a day of errands ahead of me.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
In absence
I truly must get to bed, so I have no time to recap any of the special events that have made up my life as of late, however I will take out some time on my next day off and I promise a full report if not an inspiring "how to."
Until than, know that I love you and I will go a head and give a shout out to whomever purchased one of my yellow daisy's off of my etsy site. I had great pleasure shipping it out to you yesterday. ENJOY IT, and for the rest of you, get your booties on over to my site and click the purchase button. No one is complete until they have a NEA ORIGINAL flower clippie to furnish off their ensemble. :)
Here's to everyone having a BEAUTIFUL week!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
This feeling
Until my boyfriend came a long (and broke me) I never really cared or let myself feel deeply about much that could potentially hurt me. I mean I cared and felt about friends, family and like God and stuff lol, but nothing more than that really. Than Bryan and I entered into a "relationship," and everything changed. Suddenly I was not only whipped, but I CARED about every little detail that happened between us. Everything seemed to matter, or make a difference one way or another. Now here I sit on a whole new playing field with him. Looking at rings, doing more than just "talking" about marriage and now all of a sudden, my future is no longer just my future, it's become an "OUR." Kind of scary HA??? YEEAAAHH I know, ME TOOOO!!!! But truly amidst all of the "what if's," and the butterflies, I am really really excited. Sometimes the what if's and the butterflies over take me, but to hear him calm my nerves and explain to me over and over how it's us against the world, I find myself overpowered with the feeling of YES, WE CAN DO THIS! I mean, I don't know how all of the little kinks are going to work out, but I do know that they will. I truly do hope and pray for the best, there are a lot of little things unfolding that I never would have been able to call in a million years, but were rolling with the punches (and I do mean punches lol) and I guess the upside to everything is that it's caused us to grow closer instead of further apart.
So how than am I feeling?
I am feeling excited, nervous, overwhelmed, sad (in some aspects in life,) HAPPY, creative, expectant, fulfilled, purpose-full. I am feeling fall outrageous ie pumpkin spice latte's, skarfs, skinny's, boots, chilly park benches, big bags, over night get away's mixed with new and old music. I am constantly feeling inspired as of lately- so much so that I truly do not have enough time or space on my to do list. HMMMM.
I am SO excited for my new job (and currently the nanny jobs I still possess, as we all know, they make my world go round,) I truly feel so blessed every time I step foot into that Salon. I just keep thinking, now how the HECK did I get this?? The opportunities that this season holds seems endless. I just can't wait. I know that with everything in life, comes a rocky road at times, I am preparing myself for that as well, but seriously, I feel like I'm living in a dream! Hope THAT feeling never goes away. :)
I could continue on in the list but lets just say, for the record, that I Tiffany Nicole am FEELING!
There are certain things in life that I refuse to share in a blog, or online in general. I never want to mention names unless they are in an uplifting manor, or if they clearly are from Hollywood and it makes no difference WHAT i say. So everything in my life will never be disclosed for the cyber-world. We save those chats for mom's, and best friends and boy friend's ONLY. You guy's get the good stuff (for the most part.)
and just because I can, I feel the need to let you all hold me accountable. I am making a hopeful statement that I will not cut my bangs or color my hair dark brown for at least another 4 months. Each piece of that statement is a bit iffy because, although I have been making it a goal to grow my bangs out (they used to be like 2 inches long,) they are the first things to go when I need an instant change. ANNNDDD for those of you who know me, I usually only make it through mid october before my hair is dark brown. My goal is to keep it blonde for just a few more months, and than DA DA DAAAAA- to color it my natural color......EEEEEEE haven't seen that in YEARS!
I hope this autumn air is as refreshing to all of you, as it is to me (minus the allergies.) ;)
Thanks for the ears (or eye's,) and until tomorrow (or whenever) CIAO~
My groupon extravaganza
This one is clearly for the Minneapolis, St. Paul area, but if you arent in that, search for yours. It is Free to sign up for and I have purchased 2 so far.
My first one I purchased back in May, and it was $20.00 for a week of unlimited "spa" services at planet beach. My second one I purchased last month for Gap- pay $25.00 for $50.00 worth of merch.
I decided to cash in on these this weekend. Yesterday I went to planet beach and started my week long extravaganza. I really was excited hearing about all of their spa like things, but mainly I was pumped to do the mystic tan. This is the palest I have ever been at this time in the season, I really didn't lay out much this summer, and I quit the whole tanning fad well over a year ago. No one wants skin cancer. So I went in to the salon and they set me up for my first day with the hydration station:

Two more things I would like to share with you not affiliated with groupon is on the topic of lipstick.
I purchased two this weekend. One I am in love with, and the other I talked my way into returning.

Friday, September 10, 2010
This day
I have a link to share with you. These are not my hair clippies (although I have a teal polka dotted on from DT. Stillwater that looks pretty dang similar,) however I thought they were adorable and want to share them with you. :)
They are just SO cute!!!
I think I am going to use my groupon today for a massage at planet beach. I might also try one of there spray tans who knows. If I really feel like shopping (since I have 0$ to my name,) I might even break out the gap groupon and take a trip to rosedale! YAY for Friday's!
I hope all of yours is beautiful-
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New flower clips up on Etsy!
What Ive done with my victory day
I passed my exam this morning with a whopping 97% correct, thats right folks only ONE wrong! WOOOWHOOO!!
I thank victoriously drove over to my boyfriends house, celebrated with a quick sandwich, than drove him to work. Which by the way, he has figured everything out for his drivers diversion program and as of next Saturday if all goes as planned he will be ABLE TO DRIVE AGAIN!!!! PRAISE JESUS!!!!! I feel a lot more time at home coming on!!
After that I proceeded to spend some quality chat time with his momma, than headed off to Caribou. Ive been here ever since. I had a WHOOOLLLEEE list of things to accomplish this afternoon such as: look up Mint.com (thanks Taylor), post new hair clippies on etsy (I'm currently working on it,) read my in-style, MAKE NOTE CARDS FOR WORK (HA,) finish my scarf I made last winter, the list goes on and on. All I really did this afternoon was chat with people on Facebook, text messages, telephone calls and twitter (I also went ahead and found a new blog background to depict the oncoming season.) SOOOO Now that I'm feeling brain dead from sitting in Caribou for hours on end...I think it's time to get down to business! First things first, Grab sweater from car- it's FREEEEZING in here!!!
Until later-
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The "done" list
5 ways Google can SAVE YOU. :)


5 Ways Google Can Save Your Relationship
Are the guys at Google reading Cosmo? Or just women's minds? Because damn, they've come up with some brilliant little features that are improving love lives everywhere.

Most of you have heard of Gmail and use Google to search for info on the Internet. But how well do you know all the options and settings at your Googling fingertips? Cosmo talked to Jason Freidenfelds, a communications manager for Google, who revealed some of its favorite "embarrassment reducer" features.
1. The "Undo Send" Mail Option
Ever hit "Send" too soon on an e-mail? Whether you hadn't quite perfected your witty, three-line note to your crush or were writing a message to your man's mom, this option is a total lifesaver. Once enabled, you have about five seconds to click "Undo Send" to rescue your ass.
To get it: While logged into Gmail, click on "Settings" in the upper right. Then select the "Labs" tab and scroll down to "Undo Send." Select the "Enable" button, and then click on "Save Changes" at the top (or bottom) of the page.
2. The Shared Calendar
We bet you’re a pretty busy chick. And your guy gets busy — or just flaky — too, right? Well, instead of trying to remember his work schedule or expecting him to know which nights you have yoga class, try sharing a calendar on Google. You edit the shared calendar from your own accounts, but you can also set specific events to Private so he can't see them. (Say, if you're throwing a surprise b-day party for him.)
To get it: Visit google.com/calendar, or simply click on the Calendar link on the top left of your page while logged into Gmail. It's also under the "More" option if you're on Google's homepage.
3. The Cell-Phone Reminder
If you're like most hot-blooded babes out there, you rely on text messaging more than most other forms of communication. So why not use it to remind yourself of upcoming events? This is an option of the calendar feature (see #2), and what it does is send you a text message alerting you of a to-do that's approaching. If you're one of many who space and forget to pop your daily birth control pill, set it up as a calendar event — then choose the SMS reminder so that your phone buzzes with a text at the same time every day. You can set the SMS reminder farther in advance too...like if you need to nudge your man a half-hour before your date to put down the Wii and come pick you up.
To get it: When you create a new event in your calendar, select "Edit Event Details" and then look for the SMS Reminder under "Options." You'll have to verify your phone number first, though, under "Settings."
4. Chat Off the Record
You know how Gmail automatically saves your chats? That's cool and all — unless you're having a super-steamy session with your man. By chatting "off the record," not only do you prevent the chat from being saved in your account, but it won't show up in your guy's chat record either. It's like doing damage control before embarrassment strikes.
To get it: While in Chat, select "Options" in the bottom left corner of your Chat screen. Choose "Go Off the Record."
5. Mail Goggles
After a few cocktails, a late-night love note (or pissed-off message) might seem like a good idea. But like many things in life, you might regret it the next morning. By enabling this feature on your Gmail settings, you're required to answer some simple math problems (like 72 – 31 = ?) before you can proceed with your e-mail message. Now if only they'd find a way to put this on your cell phone to prevent drunk dialing...
To get it: While logged into Gmail, click on "Settings" in the upper right. Then select the "Labs" tab and scroll down to "Mail Goggles." Select the "Enable" button, and then click on "Save Changes" at the top (or bottom) of the page. Then select "Settings" again to edit which days and times you'd like Gmail to step in and double check that you want to send that e-mail. Otherwise, it defaults to Friday and Saturday night between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.